Feb 10, 2021

There is much debate among drivers over whether or not it’s best to warm up your vehicle before hitting the road during the winter months. The experienced service technicians at Burns Ford of York are here to set the record straight – and to provide some winter car maintenance tips that will keep your vehicle running at peak performance all year round!

Spoiler alert: Warming up your vehicle is NOT necessary, and here’s why:

Today’s Vehicles Are Different

Until the mid ‘90s, vehicles had carburetors instead of fuel injectors – making startup a tricky task during the winter months. Cars decades ago needed time to idle so that the engine could function correctly, but today, thanks to modern fuel injection systems, this is no longer necessary. Oil has also come a long way, now flowing easier despite the cold air outside.


Ways To Get Warm Faster

While your vehicle may be ready to ride soon after starting, cold cars are not the most pleasant for drivers and passengers. But the best way to get your vehicle nice and cozy is simply to start driving.

Upgraded features, like heated seats and steering wheels, are now available on many vehicles and can help you warm up as quickly as your car’s engine. Remote starters are also a great option. Remember to put on the windshield defroster as well to ensure there’s no snow or ice limiting visibility.

Keep in mind that warming up your car in cold weather is not only unnecessary, but wasteful. It uses valuable fuel and emits pollution.


What Is the Ideal Time To Wait?

As long as it is properly maintained, letting your car idle for about 30 seconds is perfectly sufficient. This period of time is enough to get your vehicle ready to roll, but it’s wise to take it easy on the accelerator for the first five to ten minutes of your commute. This helps avoid any extra stress on your engine.


Burns Ford Of York Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle maintenance is especially important during the winter months, so trust the Service Team at Burns Ford of York! We can check your windshield wiper blades, fluid levels, car battery, tire pressure and more to ensure everything is functioning properly.

Our winter vehicle maintenance experts can also advise you on the best tires for your vehicle and your lifestyle – such as winter tires or all-season tires. Just contact Burns Ford of York today to schedule a service appointment!

Or stop by to check out our huge selection of cars, trucks and SUVs! Take a test drive to find the Ford that’s perfect for you – and trust our team to keep it running like new long after you’ve left the lot!