Sep 11, 2020

With many people working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, their vehicles are spending more time in the driveway than on the road. Idle vehicle maintenance is now more important than ever, with a few simple tips helping to prevent potential problems.

Here at Burns Ford of York, our service technicians caution against letting your car sit idle for more than a week. Running it for 5 to 10 minutes or just taking a quick trip around the neighborhood can ensure your vehicle is road-ready when the time is right.


Potential Problems Associated With Letting Your Vehicle Sit Idle

Proper idle vehicle maintenance helps prevent the following:

  • Dead battery: Because your battery charges while the engine’s running, it can die after just a week or 2 of inactivity.
  • Flat or warped tires: “Flat spots” can occur after just a few weeks and can cause permanent (and costly) damage.
  • Bad oil or gas: Both oil and fuel degrade over time and could cause problems when you get back on the road.
  • Rusty brakes: Rust can start to form on brake rotors, especially if the vehicle is parked outside.
  • Damaged paint: Depending on where the vehicle is parked, the elements (sun, tree sap, pollen, grime, etc) can do quite a number on your paint job.

Best Ways to Maintain Your Vehicle When You Aren’t Driving

Our qualified team of Ford service professionals recommend taking these steps to keep your vehicle running right and looking great!

  • Let your engine run at least 5 to 10 minutes each week to allow the battery to recharge.
  • Take short drives to prevent flat or bald spots on tires and rust buildup on brakes.
  • Use a fuel stabilizer to extend the life of the gas in your tank.
  • Continue with regularly scheduled oil changes.
  • Store your vehicle away from the elements, if possible, and wash it regularly to keep the paint in great condition.


Schedule Service Today!

If you’re getting back on the road after months at home, stop by for a tune-up to ensure your vehicle is as ready for the open road as you are!

We’re here to help at Burns Ford of York, so come see us today! Call 877-826-3968 or click here to schedule your service appointment.